China Restricts Its Web Users To Prove Their Identity Before Uploading A Video-

China Restricts Its Web Users To Prove Their Identity Before Uploading A Video

The Chinese government is now implementing a new measure to control the video publishers on the internet. The internet users now have to first prove their identity before uploading a video on a video sharing site. 

This decision is being implemented by the State Administration for Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China. The supervisory authority has issued a notice in which it asks video hosting sites like YouTube, Vimeo, or their Chinese equivalent to routinely request and confirm the real identity of those seeking to publish a video on their platform.

According to the website Tech In Asia, the measure wants “to improve the management of internet by creating a civilized and healthy environment, and prohibit pornographic and violent audiovisual content from having an impact on society”. The video host sites can demand the users who want to upload a video to show their identity cards.

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The video hosting sites will receive penalties if any video is uploaded without following these guidelines  and contrary to the charter and regulations of this administration.

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China Restricts Its Web Users To Prove Their Identity Before Uploading A Video-1

China is however not the only country trying to control the identity of its internet users: the European Union is contemplating on a similar project while  France had tried to pass a law establishing an electronic identity card , which was eventually censured by the Constitutional Council. How would you react if you were asked to prove your identity before publishing content on the Internet?