Inspired by Sea Shells, Canadian Researchers Make 200 Times Stronger Glass-2

Canadian Researchers Make 200 Times Stronger Glass

Since the ancient times, the glass has found its utility in many everyday applications. However, the glass has one serious defect as it breaks very easily. Fortunately, Canadian researchers have solved the problem by developing a technique that makes the glass 200 times more resistant material.

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal have spent several years researching to understand the design of stronger glass. They studied the structure of sea shells which look very fragile but in reality are very strong.

Taking the complex structure of these shells as an example, that scientists have been able to come up with a new glass design. They found that creating cracks in the glass through lasers prevents the formation of large cracks and hence the breaking of glass.

Inspired by Sea Shells, Canadian Researchers Make 200 Times Stronger Glass-

Inspired by Sea Shells, Canadian Researchers Make 200 Times Stronger Glass-1

This discovery is particularly interesting and useful, especially if same technique could be used for ceramics, plastics or resins. Soon, we will not be worried that our plates break when they fall on the earth. Moreover, we hope that this improved material does not cost too much. Would you like to use plates made of this new material?