You must be thinking that these photographs would have been taken using a helicopter or a plane. Certainly not, these photographs are captured by a photographer on his own. He along with a number of mountain climbers and other photographers, took these shots from the top of mountains, bridges, monuments and other dangerous places. This daring Russian photographer is one among the others who are not afraid of height and tall mountains. Full of thrill, they take such shots that amaze us all. Some photographers prefers to take images of landscapes or natural forest or wildlife. However, in this case, these photos are of a different type. .
Vadim Makhorov, a young Russian photographer, has the hobby to travel the world in search of adventures. He along with a number of photographers and climbers visits the highest buildings of the world in Eastern Europe, capturing images of dams, bridges, and also from the top of monuments, T.V tower and radio tower. They show us a collection of really bold and heroic images.
South bridge, Kiev, Ukraine South bridge, Kiev, Ukraine
Novosibirsk, Russia
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Novosibirsk, Russia
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Sochi, Russia
Sochi, Russia
Statue of Peter the Great, Moscow, Russia
Relay antenna, Dzerzhinsk, Russia
Vyborg, Russia
TV Tower, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Novosibirsk, Russia
South bridge, Kiev, Ukraine
Statue of the Motherland, Kiev, Ukraine
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia
South bridge, Kiev, Ukraine
Moscow, Russia
Radio tower, St. Saint Petersburg, Russia
Berlin, Germany
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
These amazing photographs make us dizzy and speechless! Not sure we would have the guts to do the same thing ourselves. Do you dare climb to the top of a bridge and go to the edge to take such shots?