A Photographer Uses A Simple Mirror To Capture Elegant Photos (Photo Gallery)

A photographer has presented a totally different concept of photography by capturing the photo of a mirror in the middle of desert of California. Inside the mirror, we can see the scenic images of the desert which presents a totally natural environment.

 The photographer Daniel Kukla , who has basically a study  background of biology and anthropology, has captured this series of photographs named ” The Edge Effect “. By capturing photos of mirrors with the reflection of the horizon in front of them, it looks as if a beautiful paintings is placed in front of us. All these pictures were taken in the middle of  Joshua Tree National Park  in California.

The photographer told us about his trip that during his stay in the park, he spent a lot of time visiting its borders and areas where the low Sonoran desert joins the high Mojave Desert. By hiking and driving, he was able to capture the look of different ecosystems in juxtaposition, called the edge effect in the ecological sciences. To demonstrate this unique juxtaposition of land, he used a large mirror and easel to capture the elements of the environment.

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror


elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

elegant photo shot taken in a desert with the help of mirror

This artist has used a simple technique but with intelligence and provide us with beautiful pictures to see. With a simple piece of mirror a broad view of the desert has been captured. An awesome work done by this photographer.