The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

The photographer Leo Caillard had the unique idea to combine the art of ancient sculptures with the hipster dresses. In this series of photographs, he transforms these statues into pure hipster style.

These photographs if French photographer Leo Caillard give us a strange and fascinating mix of ancient and hipster culture. He works for Amnesty International as photographer and advertiser. He had this unique idea during a visit to the museum of Louvre, Paris. While he was in the room Richelieu filled with statues, the idea came into his mind to clothe those statues as it was very cold that day.

The problem is that he cannot physically clothe those statues to realize these photographs. In reality, he takes photos of these statues and then uses retouching softwares to clothe these statues. Here are the results!

The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

The Famous Sculptures Of The Louvre Museum In Hipster Styles (Photo Gallery)

A series of interesting photographs, Its only the start since Leo Caillard has expressed his desire to continue to work on the statues of the classical, the Florentine and Roman statues. Do you think this idea has the potential to encourage the young people to return to the museum?