upside down walk

Now You Can Walk Upside Down Thanks To The Magnetic Shoes

An X-men fan in Lincolnshire has created magnetic shoes that let him walk upside down. It took him only two weeks to design these innovative shoes. He thinks these shoes could be useful for avoiding queues at public places, for example, in a railway station you could walk over the heads of everyone else. 

An X-men fan in Lincolnshire has created magnetic shoes that let him walk upside down on the railings. The concept is taken from the X-men: Days of future past in which magneto walked in the baseball ground. The plumber Furze took only two weeks to turn such a fascinating dream into reality. Colin Furze is a plumber in Lincolnshire and is really a talented one with exceptional abilities no doubt. Father of son, Furze is interested in using his invention to mount the skyscrapers.

Magnetic shoes
An X-men fan in Lincolnshire has created magnetic shoes that let him walk upside down on the railings
upside down walk
You may Now walk Upside down using magnetic shoes

Although the shoes look a bit clumsy and work of a mad man but still you need to be really careful using them. In case your foot is not on the ceiling, they might cause a real danger. If your luck is not with you, electricity failure can also cause you to fell down. Besides the technical issues, it is an act that requires strong nerves as well. The interesting remarks of the inventor are as follows, “I think the shoes could be useful for beating the queues at a railway station by walking over the top of everyone’s heads or running along the side of buildings in busy shopping streets.”

Walk upside down
It is made with a transformer enclosed in it

The magnetic shoes are equipped with a electromagnets which are powered using a cari battery through a microwave transformer and inverter.  The straps of the shoes are connected with electricity switches, eventually allowing him to walk upside down. In one of his videos, he has also shown how he fell down during an unsuccessful attempt.

Plumber's magnetic shoes
Plumber’s Magnetic shoes are inspired by X-men Series villain

Mr. Furze says, “The shoes will hold me with 12 volts of power, but it can really hurt your back and my wife Charlotte was a bit surprised when she saw me hanging upside down from the ceiling.” He has number of interesting inventions in his portfolio including turbo engine, vacuum shoes and chopping a scooter.