Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-6

A Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment (Photo Gallery)

You went to a party where alcohol was flowing like water. You started drinking and you could not stop yourself from drinking  more and more till you got drunk. Now everything becomes possible for you, you consider yourself as superman, all girls around you are top models and you consider worst jokes as hyper funny. Heavy drinking may not only result in health hazards and road accidents but it may also lead to impaired judgement. Your view of life gets highly altered and you are no longer aware of reality.  We present a series of hilarious photographs to demonstrate the ill effects of alcohol drunkenness on human judgement.

1. You feel that your bed is a centrifuge

bed is a centrifuge-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-

2. You think your student credit card has unlimited ceiling 

Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-2

3. You feel that climbing down a simple staircase is part of a challenge worthy of Tony Hawk 

Tony hawk challenge-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-3

4. You think Facebook turns into a dating site for adult

facebook becomes dating site-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-4

5. You feel that your jokes are the funniest in the world 

your jokes are funniest in world-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-1

6. Your “artist” side takes over and you think your asleep friend is a canvas on which you can draw 

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7. You can imagine the nightclub staff as your enemy who wants to destroy you

nightclub staff is your enemy-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-6

8. When you ride on the back of a friend, you feel you are riding a bull 

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9. You think the toilet is a comfortable pillow

your toillet is a pillow-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-7

10. The bath tub becomes a urinal tub 

bath tub becomes urinal bath-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-9

11. You feel a dollar note becomes a real treasure 

a dollar note is a real treasure-Series Of Hilarious Illustrations Shows How Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment-14

12. You think talking loudly is better!

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13. You feel a seat at the bar is like the Eldorado 

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14. You think thay your sleeping friend has died in the battle

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15. You think all your furniture is the place where you can sleep

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16. You think the bar attendant is your psychotherapist 

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17. You think that the one who brings the beer is the new Messiah

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These illustrations are really hilarious, they perfectly illustrate the nonsense or the belief that you can do whatever you want while drunk. It is worth remembering that if alcohol is often festive, it can also be dangerous. Did you recognize a person in your life in one of these pictures?