8.6 Summary-Chapter 8

Since the Internet was nearly 20 years old before we needed broadly deployed security, we had to find a way to add security to the already existing four-layer model. The perfect place to add security was as an option in the Transport layer. This is why we call secure connections on the Internet “Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL) or “Transport Layer Security” (TLS). There are subtle differences between SSL and TLS but they both encrypt data at the Transport layer.

The invention of public/private key encryption was well timed in that it solved the key distribution problem of shared-secret encryption approaches. With public/private keys, the public encryption key can be routinely shared across insecure media. This means we can use an unencrypted connection to exchange data and upgrade the connection to a secure connection.

By inserting the secure layer at the top of the Transport layer, we were able to avoid changing the Application, Internetwork, and Link layers while still easily securing any Transport layer connection. This approach ensures that all data being sent across a connection is encrypted before it leaves your computer. Given that many of us use wireless connections like WiFi, which are easily monitored by attackers, it is a good idea to encrypt data before it is sent across WiFi.

Browsers support secure connections by changing the prefix on the URL from “http:” to “https:”. By keeping an eye on the URL, end users can make sure they never send sensitive data across insecure connections. A series of trusted Certificate Authorities will sign public keys to give you an assurance that the key you received is indeed from the organization you expect it to be.

The design of the Secure Transport Layer provides a secure and yet easy-to-use mechanism for secure communications across the Internet at a scale of trillions of pairs of interacting computers.

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