These Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble (Photo Gallery)

At first glance, you will not surely recognize the incredible effort and talent behind these ordinary looking clothes. Infact, these cozy clothes are made from marble. We let you discover these original works of art.

Alex Seton , is an artist from Sidney Australia, who is at the origin of these ultra realistic marble structures that look like ordinary clothes. Seeing the the hooded sweatshirt we feel if this one of our daily dresses, has been frozen into a stone statue. 

Alex has carved his artworks from the marble of Carrara, usually found in white or bluish gray colours, it is no ordinary marble. Infact, it was already used by our Roman ancestors for the construction of buildings and architectural sculptures. Without further delay, discover how the artist transforms this icy cold marble into a stunning piece of art..

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In MarbleCozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble

Cozy Clothes Are In Fact Sculptures Carved In Marble


It’s really amazing to see how realistic these sculptures look. The different folds and shapes of the clothes look very realistic and give the impression of lightness! What is your opinion about this type of art where marble is carved into everyday clothes?