Tag: innovative advertising ideas

  • 20 Creative Advertisements That Will Make You Die Laughing

    20 Creative Advertisements That Will Make You Die Laughing

    Advertising not only allow brands to differentiate their products from their competitors but also enable them to grasp the attention of their potential customers. It has been observed that those advertisements which use a funny message are mostly more successful in leaving lasting impression in the mind of their viewers. We present to you 20…

  • The Top 18 Shocking Publicity Ads Examples (Photo Gallery)

    The Top 18 Shocking Publicity Ads Examples (Photo Gallery)

    The advertisers always try to attract attention of their potential audience and engage their minds in thinking about the product. Sometimes, they even resort to using shocking and non-conventional images for that. After all, an image is worth more than thousand words. Here we present 18 examples of unique publicity posters that are shocking and…