• 3.7 Molecular quantities In Chemistry

    Sample sizes of chemical substances are often measured in moles. One mole of a substance is defined as a sample having 6.022 × 1023 (Avogadro’s number) molecules25 . This number is not arbitrary – it was chosen26 such that 1 mole of carbon-12 (6.022 × 1023 individual 12C atoms together in one sample) would have a mass of exactly 12 grams. In other words, Avogadro’s…

  • Pyro Board: A Board To Generate And Control 2500 Fires By Music (Video)

    Pyro Board: A Board To Generate And Control 2500 Fires By Music (Video)

    A team of physicists and chemists has built a “Pyro Board”, an audio panel that is capable of handling 2500 fires whose intensity vary according to the sound they are connected. An incredible combination of design and science. We share with you this unusual experience that will ignite you! Derek Muller (website Veritasium) has made a report about a…