Tag: family photography
18 Historical Photographs Colorized To Make You Relive The Moments Of The Past
For some photography is a passion. And this passion is almost two centuries old. From black and white to color, from reel cameras to today’s digital cameras, the photography has evolved. We share with you the colorized versions of some of the famous historical photographs. The flourishing of subreddit gathers the people sharing the same passion. Among the…
The Top 35 Amazing Photos From “Back To The Future” (Infant/Adult) Project
Irina Werning‘s project “Back to the Future” is based upon the idea of comparing the two photos of the same person and in the same out fit but at different age. The idea is specially very interesting in the case when the age difference of the person in the two photos is fairly large. It is…
25 Mind Blowing Photos Of Past In Present (Photo Gallery)
At a time when the vintage photos are very popular, the artist and photographer Hungarian Zoltan Kerenyi had a very unique idea. He superimposed photos of the past taken many years before on the present day landscape. He has named the series of such overlapping photos as “Window on the Past”. The result is amazing and…
The Most Weird Tradition of Victorian Era: Post-Mortem Photography (Gallery)
Making the portraits of the deceased has been common for many centuries. However, it was during the reign of Victoria I that industrialization resulted in affordable means of post-mortem photography. Following the invention of the daguerreotype, great ancestor of the camera developed by Louis Daguerre, the commemoration of the dead were suddenly changed. Painted portraits were considered…