Tag: computer network tutorial

  • 1.1 Communicating at a Distance

    Imagine a group of five people in a room sitting in a circle. As long as they are courteous and don’t have more than one conversation at the same time, it’s quite natural for any person to talk to any other person in the room. They just need to be able to hear each other…

  • Chapter 1 Introduction

    Using the Internet seems pretty easy. We go to a web address and up comes a page. Or we go to our favorite social site and see pictures of our friends, families, and pets. But it takes a lot of complex software and hardware to make the Internet seem so simple. The design of the…

  • Printing History & Copyright Details

    Printing History 2015-May-25 Original Printing – CreateSpace Copyright Details This book is Copyright Charles R. Severance.The paper/print version of this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Permission is specifically granted to make copies as necessary of all or part of the materials in this book as part of a course or…

  • Credits

    Illustrations: Mauro Toselli Editorial Support: Sue Blumenberg Cover Design: Aimee Andrion The SketchNote illustrations were drawn on an iPad using Paper by www.fiftythree.com using a dedicated stylus pencil. The illus- trations were converted from PNG to SVG and EPS vector formats using www.vectormagic.com. The technical figures for the book were drawn with OmniGraffle. Back to…

  • Preface

    The goal of this book is to provide a basic understanding of the technical design and architecture of the Internet. The book is aimed at all audiences – even those with absolutely no prior technical experience or math skills. The Internet is an amazingly beautiful design and should be understood by all who use it.While…