26This raises an interesting possibility: if the power conductor were to be wrapped around the toroidal core of the CT so that it passes through the center twice instead of once, the current step-down ratio will be cut in half. For example, a 100:5 CT with the power conductor wrapped around so it passes through the center twice will exhibit an actual current ratio of only 50:5. If wrapped so that it passed through the CT’s center three times, the ratio would be reduced to 33.33:5. This useful “trick” may be used in applications where a lesser CT ratio cannot be found, and one must make do with whatever CT happens to be available. If you choose to do this, however, beware that the current-measuring capacity of the CT will be correspondingly reduced. Each extra turn of the power conductor adds to the magnetic flux experienced by the CT’s core for any given amount of line current, making it possible to magnetically saturate the core if the line current exceeds the reduced value (e.g. 50 amps for the home-made 50:5 CT where the line passes twice through the center of a 100:5 CT).