37One reference gives the speed of sound in a magnetostrictive level instrument as 2850 meters per second. Rounding this up to 3 × 103 m/s, we find that the speed of sound in the magnetostrictive waveguide is at least five orders of magnitude slower than the speed of light in a vacuum (approximately 3 × 108 m/s). This relative slowness of wave propagation is a good thing for our purposes here, as it gives more time for the electronic timing circuit to count, yielding a more precise measurement of distance traveled by the wave. This fact grants superior resolution of measurement to magnetostrictive level sensors over radar-based and laser-based level sensors. Open-air ultrasonic level instruments deal with propagation speeds even slower than this (principally because the bulk moduli of gases and vapors is far less than that of a solid metal rod) which at first might seem to give these level sensors the advantage in precision. However, open-air level sensors experience far greater propagation velocity variations caused by changes in pressure and temperature than magnetostrictive sensors. Unlike the speed of sound in gases or liquids, the speed of sound in a solid metal rod is very stable over a large range of process temperatures, and practically constant for a large range of process pressures. Another factor adding to the calibration stability of magnetostrictive instruments is that the composition of the medium never changes. With instruments measuring time-of-flight through process fluids, the chemical composition of those fluids often affects the wave velocity. In a magnetostrictive instrument, the waves are always traveling through the same material – the metal of the waveguide bar – and thus are not subject to variation with process changes.